St. Anthony of Padua Preschool
Sr. Ruth Angelette, O.P.
4601 Cleveland Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70119
Located in the heart of Mid-City, our preschool is for children ages 2 and 3. The Early Childhood Program at St. Anthony is a link between home and school for our youngest students in the Padua 2 and 3's program Students are given the opportunity to develop their abilities through age-appropriate activities in a nurturing environment. Students in the early childhood classes benefit from the individualized attention made possible by the small class sizes: approximately 1 adult to 8 children in the 2 and 3 year-old programs. Montessori teaching methods are utilized in the early childhood program. The early childhood program strives to instill in each child a lifelong love of learning through fun-filled, exciting school experiences.
Please email us at the above address to obtain an Alumni Information Card.
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